Wednesday, February 9, 2022


It is to determine and implement the legal and technical principles necessary for the use of water and the prevention of pollution to protect the potential of underground and surface water resources and to ensure the best use.

Water quality management and water pollution control;

1- Quality classifications of aquatic environments and their usage purposes

2- Planning principles and prohibitions regarding the protection of water quality

3- Discharge principles of wastewater and discharge permit principles

4- Principles related to wastewater infrastructure facilities


Pollutant sources (WHO, World Health Organization);

  • organic pollutants
  •  Pollutants causing epidemic disease (Microorganisms)
  • It causes abnormal growth and reproduction of plants pollutants that cause
  • Synthetic organic pollutants
  • Petroleum-based pollutants
  • Inorganic pollutants
  • Sediment origin pollutants
  • Radioactive pollutants
  • Pollution caused by waste heat

Classification Of Contaminants Is Divided Into Two;

1. Non-Resistant Contaminants (Biologically Decomposable Contaminants);

  • The majority of pollutants found in domestic wastewater
  • Wastes from the food industry
  • Paper factory waste
  • Wastes from some factories producing chemicals
  • Thermal contamination
  • Bacteriological Contamination

2. Resistant Contaminants;

  • Chlorinated Substances
  • Waste Salts
  • Detergents
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Waste Oils

Organic Pollutants

  • Organic pollutants cause pollution by lowering the dissolved oxygen in the water.
  • Vertebrates are most affected by low oxygen concentration, followed by invertebrates least by bacteria.
  • C→+O2 CO2; 9 mg O2 for 3 mg of carbon, about 45 mg of O2 per drop of oil is necessary.

Synthetic Organic Pollutants

  • Detergents
  • Pesticides
  • Plastics
  • Medicines




Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Let's Get To Know Somalia Briefly

General Information About Somalia


Somalia is in the region in East Africa, which includes Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti, which surrounds the Arabian peninsula in the eastern part of Africa and is called the Horn of Africa. Somalia is strategically important because the Gulf of Aden is important for international trade and provides the region's connection between the Mediterranean and the Arab Sea.

Area of Somalia;

The country's surface is 637.657 km²

Border Lengths with Neighbors;

Djibouti in the northwest, Kenya in the southwest, Gulf of Aden and Yemen in the north, Ethiopia in the west and the Indian Ocean is surrounded by in the east.

Border lengths with neighbouringcountries;

It is 682 km with Kenya, 1,626 km with Ethiopia and 58 km with Djibouti.

Climate Features

Somalia's climate is tropical and warm all year round. Only the dry season in Somalia And it's rainy season. Seasonal changes in the country are noticeably is not visible. 

The amount of precipitation and temperature in the country varies according to the monsoon winds blowing from the northeast. The seasonal variable is not regular; There are two precipitation seasons between March-June and September-December. Temperature change varies between 15°C and 30°C depending on the geographical regions of the country. The portion of the north coast overlooking the Gulf of Aden can reach temperatures of 45 °C. 

Especially in summer the wind blowing from the desert during the months can raise dust clouds. While large areas have a typical desert or semi-desert climate, the wettest areas are covered with savannahs. Rains are very rare and are irregular. The driest areas are the northern coast, where annual rainfall drops by about 50 mm (2 inches) a year. In the low and flat southeast region, the temperature ranges from 27°C to 32°C.

In Mogadishu, the annual temperature average ranges from 28°C to 32°C. The annual precipitation average is approximately 280 mm. The region of Baidoa is the country's most precipitous area due to its annual  rainfall of 570 mm. Frequent droughts due to droughts, sandstorms and flooding during the rainfall. Temperatures and rains in Somalia vary from year to year due to climate change. They can also cause sudden floods, usually in the form of short periods of showers and thundershowers. This is typically happening in the southern area, in the two main rivers of JUBBA and Shabelle.

Natural Reefs

The copper that has not yet been touched in Somalia, Gold, Uranium, Iron, Tin, and has Natural Gas sources. 

Somalia it very diverse for plants and animals. There are baobap trees that are often seen in the country. 

Somalia is the world's largest daily and yellow gum maker. There are also, palm trees, glass and Juniper trees. The Baidoa region is the greenest part of the country because the annual rainfall is 570 mm. There are enough forestry areas in the country to say there are none. 

65% of the Somalia economy is based on livestock, fisheries and farming. Camels, sheep, goats and cattle are raised. 15% of the country's land is being cultivated. 

The land along the Jubba and Sabelle rivers is very efficient. Crops are Corn, Millet, Sesame, Beans, Cotton, Sugar beets, mango, lemon, coconut and banana. 

The main animal range is camels, sheep, goats, cattle, elephants, crocodiles, lions, leopards, and pars. 

The 3 sides of the country are covered in the Indian ocean. It's full of colourful tropical fish. There is plenty of tuna and sharks.

Critical Land Segments

The two most important rivers in Somalia, Shabelle and Jubba rivers, are born in Ethiopia, merged in the north of Kismayo province and poured into the Indian Ocean. There are no natural lakes in Somalia. There are also artificial lakes created for watering and drinking.

Somalia has the longest coastline in Africa with 3.333-km. The northern part of Djibouti has large sand beaches and reefs with rocky cliffs.




Friday, February 4, 2022


 It is used to preserve food for a long time.

Drying aims to reduce the water activity below a certain value and reduce the chemical and prevent microbiological spoilage.

The benefit is used to preserve all the features of fresh foods close to freshness for a long time.

The principle of many preservation methods is based on controlling the water activity in the product. Water activity is the measure of water that microorganisms in the product or food can use for their activities. Foodstuffs whose water ratio is lowered below a certain level are more resistant to chemical, enzymatic and microbiological deterioration under normal atmospheric conditions.

If the food is made unsuitable for microorganisms in terms of water content, microorganisms may not function even if all other factors are appropriate.

Foods with a water activity (aw) below 0.60 are classified as dry foods. 

Quality and durability of dried products; Although it is different according to the freshness of the raw material, the microorganism content of the drying air, the hygiene conditions of the enterprise and the working personnel, the water amount of the dried product is the main factor affecting the quality and durability.

During the drying process, many physical, chemical, mechanical, biochemical and microbiological events occur.

It is possible to collect the quality of dried products under three headings.

  1. Chemical quality 
  2. Microbiological quality 
  3. Sensory quality
Dried aquatic products are foods that have been dehydrated to increase their strength, and they are in the group of concentrated products in terms of protein, oil and mineral substances.

The chemical quality of the products that are stored or produced under inappropriate conditions cause them to deteriorate rapidly or to some may contain high levels of harmful substances.

Chemical quality analyses of dried products in terms of human health standards or consumption should be carefully followed in terms of It is necessary not to allow products contrary to the limits to be placed on the market.

As the temperature in the drying process rises, the protein quality of the dried products decreases and the loss of vitamins increases.

Such changes harm the nutritional quality and aroma structure of the product.

The most important chemical problem encountered in dried aquatic products is the oxidation of the product depending on the oil content.

Oxidation is the result of a high concentration of oil in dried fish. It is one of the most common problems due to its effects.

The degradation reactions occurring in oils are limited only by the structure of the oil. is not. These reactions occur in the tissue where the fat is located. Therefore spoiled oil, as well as the consumability and nutritional value of dried products. directly affect its properties.

The changes that occur in the product as a result of the deterioration of oils can be listed as follows; flavour, odour, acidity change, peroxide, aldehyde and ketone formation. This type of change is a general type of change in oils and is called "bitterness".

Bitterness develops with the effect of lipoxidase enzyme or oxygen acting on the fat molecule. As the process progresses, the reaction rate increases. Autoxidation varies depending on different factors.

In general, many bacteria that determine the quality of food and cause deterioration can develop up to 0.90 water activities, and therefore no bacterial deterioration in dried foods.

Microorganisms that can develop at values ​​below 0.90 of water activity are yeast and moulds. However, a water activity value of 0.90 is very close to the minimum water activity value at which normal yeasts can grow. The minimum (aw) value for normal yeasts is around 0.88.

Usually, around 0.65 water activity, microbial degradation is almost Although it can be completely avoided, the water activity of this value and slightly below some osmophilic yeasts and some moulds can grow, albeit very slowly.

Generally, mould and yeast deterioration occurs within 1-2 weeks in dried foods between 0.80-0.85 water activity. A water activity of 0.75 prevents mould and yeast growth and deterioration. delays and microbiological deterioration is not observed for a long time at 0.70 water activity. Generally, an (aw) value of 0.60 is considered the lower limit for microbial growth, but dried foods up to a water activity value of 0.70 can be preserved for a long time without spoiling.


The lethal effect of drying on microorganisms;
  • The genus of the microorganism
  • The type of microorganism
  • Physiological age and number of microorganism
  • Drying conditions (drying mode, drying temperature, drying time and dehydration rate) Depending on factors such as the type and composition of the food (pH, inhibitory substances, etc.) as it varies.


In dried fish products;
  • Crack, Scratch, Foam, - cut vs. absence of defects or the products should not have any organ remnants and soft areas in the abdominal cavity parts.
  • Again, no aroma change indicating protein denaturation should be observed in these products
  • Deterioration due to fat oxidation, rancidity, souring, backbone hunched, sunken, half-moon curved depending on the deformation condition, excessive discolouration of the skin, a musty, bitter odour or external surface Defects such as loss of natural colour due to yellowish colour changes at different points should not be seen.
Sensory properties of dried products;
  • The infestation of insects, mesmerization and oxidation of lipids may cause deterioration.
  • Changes and losses can occur in the structures of amino acids due to the heat that can be caused by the process when preparing to affect the sensory quality of dried products.
  • The salting process was applied to dried fish (drying with dry salting) and if desalination has not been applied, salt crystal formation on their skin is frequently encountered.
  • This situation leads to a decrease in the amount of water in the dried fish and, accordingly, to the formation of white spots due to the accumulation of salt on the surface of the skin. The consumer is faced with an emotionally undesirable appearance




Fish Diseases

Symptoms In Fish Diseases

  •  Rotation
  • Numbness (Lethargy)
  •  Gather Round
  •  Lack Of Appetite
  • Friction On Net Or Walls
  • Neural Behavior

Lesions Seen İn The Exterior Look

  • Exophthalmos eye bleeding,
  • Blindness, turbidity
  • Skin discolouration lesions
  • Haemorrhages, cysts on the fins,
  • Body surface ascites,
  •  Swelling in the anus, haemorrhage
Lesions Seen İn The İnner View
  • Fluid (pus, serous, purulent) accumulation in body cavities
  • Haemorrhage in internal organs
  • Excessive growth
  • Oedema in the intestines
  • Bleeding enteritis bleeding in the muscles

Bacterial Fish Zoonoses

  • Skin Route: Contact of contaminated fish tissues and contaminated water with skin tears and wounds.
  • Digestive Route: Contaminated fish products contaminated water.

Examples Of Zoonoses…..

  • Aeromonas hydrophila: ıt grows easily at a normal salt rate (4%) in foods, at refrigerator temperature and produces enterotoxin. ıt causes cholera-like digestive system disease. they can also cause post-contact sores.
  • Various Species İn The Enterobacteriaceae Family: Infections occur as a result of opportunistic pathogens and indicator microorganisms, especially through the digestive tract. Escherichia Coli, Salmonella Spp., and others
  • Vibrio Species (Vibrio Cholerae, V. Vulnificus)The source of infection, contaminated water, raw or undercooked seafood can cause diarrhoea and vomiting.
  • Staphylococcus Aureus: They produce enterotoxin. following the ingestion of the toxin with foodstuffs or contaminated water, they cause digestive system disorders.
  • Clostridium Botulinum And C. perfringens: They cause food poisoning, which can result in death as a result of ingestion.
  •  Mycobacterium Marium, M. Fortuitum: They are transmitted through the skin. lesions of granulomatous character on hands and feet they are formed. ıt is not lethal, but has a chronic course and requires long-term chemotherapy.




Thursday, February 3, 2022


What Is Qualty?

The suitability of a species for a particular product or process.

E.g. features such as being too big or too small, too greasy or too lean for fish to fillet, too hard or too soft. Often the term quality means the same as freshness or microbial deterioration or chemical.

Fish or products that are spoiled or high in microbial seem to be of poor quality.
Quality: The property of the product to meet the criteria (product) requested by the consumer or the buyer (wholesale or retail seller, factory authorities) and also to carry the qualities that are not harmful to human or animal health to be consumed is called quality.

Classification of Quality Control

Food quality control is divided into 3 as follows according to the purpose of its construction;

  • Technology Quality control
  • Hygienic Quality control
  • The Nutritional quality control
According to the time of preparation, quality control in foods is grouped under 3 groups;
  • Pre-production quality control: This group is the stage of quality planning and It is divided into two as the supply stage. 
  • Quality control in the manufacturing process: This group is the manufacturing stage and It is divided into two as packaging stage. 
  • Post-production quality control: This group is the storage stage and The marketing stage is divided into two.

Quality Determination Methods

The methods used to determine the quality are grouped into 5 groups. These;

  • Sensory Methods 
  • Physical Methods 
  • Chemical Methods 
  • Microbiological Methods 
  • Technological Methods

Quality Control and Purpose

Quality is not a degree of perfection, it is the presence of a product or product within the given limits or tolerances in terms of certain properties.

Achieving the highest quality without considering the cost is not the goal.

The aim is to obtain the lowest price of a uniform product that meets the limits set and is accepted by the buyer. to be achieved at a cost.

Classification of quality characteristics

Elements that cause the consumer to accept or reject a portion of food can be determined by the human senses. 

E.g; appearances, such as structural elements and aroma.

A) Appearance: Items determined by the eye;

  • Colour and brightness 
  • Viscosity and consistency 
  • Size and shape 
  • Defects

B) Structural Features

  • Features determined by hand and finger 
  • Items determined by mouth

C) Aroma

  • Taste
  • Smell





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