What Is Qualty?
The suitability of a species for a particular product or process.
E.g. features such as being too big or too small, too greasy or too lean for fish to fillet, too hard or too soft. Often the term quality means the same as freshness or microbial deterioration or chemical.
Fish or products that are spoiled or high in microbial seem to be of poor quality.
Quality: The property of the product to meet the criteria (product) requested by the consumer or the buyer (wholesale or retail seller, factory authorities) and also to carry the qualities that are not harmful to human or animal health to be consumed is called quality.
Classification of Quality Control
Food quality control is divided into 3 as follows according to the purpose of its construction;
- Technology Quality control
- Hygienic Quality control
- The Nutritional quality control
- Pre-production quality control: This group is the stage of quality planning and It is divided into two as the supply stage.
- Quality control in the manufacturing process: This group is the manufacturing stage and It is divided into two as packaging stage.
- Post-production quality control: This group is the storage stage and The marketing stage is divided into two.
Quality Determination Methods
The methods used to determine the quality are grouped into 5 groups. These;
- Sensory Methods
- Physical Methods
- Chemical Methods
- Microbiological Methods
- Technological Methods
Quality Control and Purpose
Quality is not a degree of perfection, it is the presence of a product or product within the given limits or tolerances in terms of certain properties.
Achieving the highest quality without considering the cost is not the goal.
The aim is to obtain the lowest price of a uniform product that meets the limits set and is accepted by the buyer. to be achieved at a cost.
Classification of quality characteristics
Elements that cause the consumer to accept or reject a portion of food can be determined by the human senses.
E.g; appearances, such as structural elements and aroma.
A) Appearance: Items determined by the eye;
- Colour and brightness
- Viscosity and consistency
- Size and shape
- Defects
B) Structural Features
- Features determined by hand and finger
- Items determined by mouth
C) Aroma
- Taste
- Smell
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