Thursday, March 9, 2023

The indirect impact of humanity on the marine ecosystem

 Although the effects of human beings on the ocean, seas and living resources are often not fully revealed, human effects are clearly known. These are climate change and the depletion of the ozone layer. Likewise, it has a significant impact on marine and ocean ecosystems.

1. Climate Change

Changes in climate will automatically change the sea level, the direction of the current with temperature and salinity, its strength, the level of nutrients in the sea, and the natural boundaries between water columns. These changes will automatically affect marine creatures, especially the distribution of many fish species, their reproduction and their growth.

2. Ozone Layer and ultraviolet radiation

UV-b is the most dangerous component of ultraviolet radio. High concentrations of UV-b rays reach the world due to the thinning of the ozone layer. In the scientific world, not everything is clear about how much and how this effect is, and it is suspected that it has significant effects on plankton all over the world.

Eggs and larvae of fish, crustaceans and crustaceans live in the water column or on the surface, where UV-b rays increase as stated above, especially the water surface. This negatively affects the growth and survival of the living larvae in question. In some studies, it is understood that some species do not reproduce during periods when UV-b rays are intense.

At the same time, increased UV-b rays cause fisheries losses, which is undoubtedly due to breaks in the food chain. For example, it has been determined in the calculations that a 5% decrease in the amount of plankton causes a 6-9% reduction in fisheries. The logic of calculating the 5% reduction is that the 16% thinning in the ozone layer has been calculated. Some species are more sensitive to UV-b rays than other species and therefore predation affects inter and intraspecific race and diversity.




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The indirect impact of humanity on the marine ecosystem

 Although the effects of human beings on the ocean, seas and living resources are often not fully revealed, human effects are clearly known....

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